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Biblical Cosmology for Kids

The earth is flat, immovable & covered by the firmament, your kids should know! Access engaging resources that will help your child succeed and gain confidence in God's word.

Flat Snap

Flat Snap Card Game

Use this Flat Snap cards game to help children understand more about the biblical world they live in. Our unique flat earth card games are easy to order and play with your children as a fun afternoon activity.

Flat Snap - Flat Earth Card Game
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Flat Snap

Flat Snap (Card Game)

Use this Flat Snap cards game to help children understand more about the biblical


Psalm 19v1 Pack (3-6 age)

This pack opens up the the verse in Psalms 19:1 which talks

Meet Isaiah (Flat Earth Activity Pack)

This pack opens up the intriguing worlds of Isaiah. A man who

Gravity - Centrifugal Force

Centrifugal force is experienced by an object that moves along a curved

Trusting Gods Word (Eye Illusion)

Helping your children see that even though we use our senses to

Our Blogs

Expose Hidden Things

We expose our children to the light of God's wonderful word. We reject lies and deception. We stand up to
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