Expose Hidden Things
The shape of the world has been hotly debated for many years. It can be traced back through history. It came to the forefront in our era during the worldwide ‘enforced’ lockdowns. More people had time in their life to think and dissect. Celebrities have tried to shove it away, institutions have aimed to bring discredit, however, the stubborn truth won’t relent.
Top ‘Pseudo Scientists’ and government figures have bashed and tried to debunk the biblical cosmological realities to little effect. Perhaps only to insight more ridicule in heliocentrism. The movement towards biblical truth has only increased, hundreds are waking up to the truth, to Yehovah’s truth.
‘Why have we been lied to?
Why cover the truth about creation above us?”
There we find the answer, the truth is God’s word. It illuminates our position and the journey ahead. Let’s see what it says;
Psalm 119:105 NKJV
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
When we read God’s word, believe and obey it, we are transformed into Jesus’s likeness. That’s right, we become like Him, when we study and do what He commands.
Why make resources for kids?
I’ll just teach them space and then tell them the truth afterwards, as flat earth and biblical cosmology is weird and it will get them bullied. Well, my spouse does not believe so it’s easier to go along with the majority. There’s not much out there to help me, so I will go along with the globe and trust God to keep me. I’ve heard quite a few in my time, but this verse from Ephesians 5 helps us in how to act.
Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
We expose the darkness with the light of God’s word. That is the only way we can see through the darkness around us. By the light of His word illuminating truth and knowledge for us.
Truth wins in the end
I do not have fellowship, friendship or partners involved with heliocentrism and its false doctrine here at Raqia. It’s a lonely walk at times, help and resources can be minimal, to make what we have in mind to encourage children in truth. I do have friends and family that do not believe, the way I see the world through scripture, we must navigate them in love as I know God’s truth wins in the end.
We expose our children to the light of God’s wonderful word. We reject lies and deception. We refuse to coexist with the lie and more so the lie in our children’s minds. We stand up to protect them and shine the light into their heart.
Alfred Tennyson said very well…
“A lie that is all of a lie can be met with and fought outright;
But a lie that is partly the truth is a harder matter to fight.”
God’s word will always be the light that pierces the darkness like Genesis 1:3.
We want to be creative, fun and most of all biblically dependent. Imagination is held captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) by Christ and daily prayer that the Holy Spirit leads us through. We remind ourselves of what The Apostle wrote to the Corinthians.
2 Corinthians 10:5
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
So please pray that these resources connect children through interactive means to the knowledge and understanding of God’s holy word, which is Jesus the Christ.
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