Progress: We’re 2 Today

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What are the favourite moments of celebrating your birthday? Cake, family & friends, treats, time off? I’m sure we all have our personal enjoyment.

Since my delve into biblical cosmology with the video help of the late Rob Skiba over the past 7 years, never have I seen a need to stand firm in truth. As we turn 2 today, I’ve been reflecting and thinking about the past 24 months and I am blown away. The 100’s of downloads of worksheets, online games played, encouraging feedback of the genuine help we’ve been to families throughout the Earth.

I want to share with you a brief reflection of our past 2 years and hopefully some vision for the future.

Flat Snap

Our first self-made card game Flat Snap hand cut and designed by my family to yours. We’ve sent many games from our base in London out to Texas, Kentucky, Colorado, Australia, Devon, Florida and other locations. Great feedback to hear how families are playing this game and connecting to cosmological truth and having a load of fun. We’re still thinking about other games inspiring children towards Godly cosmology.

Children’s Flat Earth Book

Some of you may have seen my last email and the progress towards our first Children’s book. I started to write a small story in 2023 to use as a reading comprehension, however it grew more and more. I believe the Holy Spirit flourished my imagination to develop this story, based on the truth of holy scriptures but with an engaging imaginative story to spark your child’s mind towards the truth.

18 months building

It’s been 18 months of writing, rewriting, more revisions, designing picture pages and learning how to publish a book. It’s quite significant that we finished the core design and story before we turned 2. We connected with other people in the community who shared their skills and time also. God has been faithful in bringing the right people, tools and finance to bring this book alive. There’s still a bit more work to do, but hopefully we should have it ready to order soon. Make sure you sign up to our emails to not miss out.


We’ve been studying very hard to make sure we have checked thoroughly through the Greek and Hebrew text, dividing scripture in honour of God in heaven to develop Biblical Cosmology Courses. We are designing and editing engaging videos with tests to go alongside it. With the additional insight of Edward Hendrie’s book building a easily consumable lesson for children.

We know that this will help families grow closer to God through understanding what he says he’s made. Like most things of value it takes time and effort.


I’ve seen sincere donations to support us and allow projects to get off the ground, due to shared finances with us. Very generous people sowing a seed into a needed and important work of bringing the trust of Biblical Cosmology to young kids around the earth. There is no major funding, but honest people who have been deeply generous to this vision of Raqia Resources.

More to come by God’s grace

We’re thrilled and determined to show God’s true glory as he says in his word and making it fun and engaging for your children.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 BBE

Keep these words, which I say to you this day, deep in your hearts; Teaching them to your children with all care, talking of them when you are at rest in your house or walking by the way, when you go to sleep and when you get up.

We all send a huge thank you to the interaction, support and encouragements. Keep us in your prayers.

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