Science meets Scripture

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I am not a scientist, I don’t desire to be one but respect the time and effort that goes into observational trial and study. This is a process I use elsewhere in my other endeavours. 

There is a divide that comes when the Bible speaks on something that science can’t prove. We refer to it as the supernatural, something that exceeds our natural scope and understanding. It becomes sticky for Christians find who find themselves backed into this corner.

What should I believe? Should we just write this off as a miracle?

Friends, it is God supernaturally changing natural laws to show his glory. He can do it because He is God!

Water can’t behave like a solid

Let’s take Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33). It’s easy for most of us to believe that he did do this, as it’s a story that most know from growing up in church. I personally know Jesus walked on water because God said he did, through his scripture.

Water can’t hold up a walking human, it’s been seen and tested numerous times. The molecules are not packed enough to take the density of a human body. My kids have proven that you plunge into it each time. So science and God’s word clash here, what should you do?

I believe the Bible is simple, clear and literal in most parts. Even when it defies tested science. Jesus literally walked on water, ascended into heaven, and rose from the dead. If the bible says it, I believe it. 

What are you going to believe?

He turned water into wine, fed the five thousand with tiny morsels, and calmed a strong storm with his words. I encourage you today, to believe his word to be absolute in all its truths.

Why? Because God’s word has told you he did it. There is a simplicity to trusting God (Proverbs 3:4,5). So as we turn our minds to the Firmament (raqia) what should our response be to something he said he did?

We do not need to believe what has been told to us by a space organisation—one who has made claims of travelling to “space” along with items and landing on Mars. We can also reject factual science if needs to be, for the place where God performs a miracle. We must believe God’s word before anyone else, as humans often lie (Romans 3:4) for personal gain. We must therefore remember that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).

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  1. Pingback: Secular Science tries to disprove God - Raqia Resources

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