Flat Out Rejection

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A roar of heckling and laughter echoed from my work environment as I told them the earth is not a ball in space; it was a lie. They paused and looked at me with intent, “Are you serious?” one declared with bewilderment. “Yes, and if you want to ridicule me, I’m not interested, let’s talk honestly if you are open-minded.” My work colleague perched forward and remarked “I’m a science man and atheist, let’s go”. I was not moved by either statement as I depended on God’s word which brought light. Even with the scientific ‘facts’ he presented from a textbook he’s read, I stayed to God’s truth and it was a great conversation.

Those extracted moments are fine, but when it’s closer to home, there is a difference in emotions and relationships.

Closer to home

“You’re an idiot,” says a close friend.

I’m confused and taken aback as this person has never spoken to me like this before. I have brought other deep theories and outlandish thoughts to them and their reaction has never been this cold. There is a mental shutdown and immediate distancing, quite remarkable.

This has a different feel of offence, doesn’t it?

They are deeply hostile and resistive towards you. You wonder why such an adverse response to a simple observation, that they can test. You are then bundled into a pot of conspiracy theorists and disregarded as a tin hatter.

We’re still learning

I’m still learning how to navigate the waters of biblical cosmology with those close to me. Some accept and avoid further conversations as others change their opinion on your sanity. I haven’t seen anything quite like this resistance to an observational truth, even some core truths of the faith.

I’m no longer affected by the shame because it is the truth. I’ve learnt that following lies cause more damage in the end. Foundations come crumbling down, destroying much. The initial admission of the truth hurts at first but can’t be destroyed, because it is what is real.

For God’s glory

We can’t bury our heads in the sand and ignore others around us because it is hard for them to grapple with this truth. But we aim to bring glory to God, not only in the reality of his creational truth but also in how we respond to one another.

As Paul taught the church in Ephesus…

So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error;  But saying true words in love, may come to full growth in him, who is the head, even Christ; Through whom all the body, being rightly formed and united together, by the full working of every part, is increased to the building up of itself in love. – Eph 4:14-16 BBE

Remember Biblical cosmology is about the Glory of God through Jesus Christ.

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