Mother's or Father's Nature?

Mother’s or Father’s Nature?

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It’s not mother nature, it is the nature of the Father in heaven. Friends this is not a gender debate, as the Father in heaven is Spirit (John 4:23). While male and female were created in his image (Genesis 1:27). This is about truth, what God said he did and didn’t do.

I have nothing against mothers and I do see the commonality in saying mother nature, as in reproduction. I love the position and call of Mothers in the home, church and society, deeply needed and cherished. However, Romans 1 is where we are going to make our sure foundation. We must hold firm to God’s truth and grow from there. I honestly have more joy in the truth God’s work speaks rather than the failings of a space agency.

God’s wrath

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” [Rom 1:18 ESV]

It is important to see that God’s wrath is against those who “suppress” the truth. Suppress is defined as “prevent the development, action, or expression of…”.

Isn’t this familiar to our national space agencies, who hold back the truth and suppress it to indoctrinate our children and ridicule us?

It’s plain & clear

“For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.” [Rom 1:19 ESV]

It’s plain to see that the sun and moon move. We feel no movement on Earth except an earthquake or the like. Curvature is yet to be witnessed over the distance they state. We see that the Bible is plain showing us that God created the firmament. Why do they suppress its truth?

His attributes

“For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” [Rom 1:20 ESV]

This is why we must believe the truth of creation. So that we as parents and our growing children may ‘KNOW‘ the one true God ‘Yehovah’. We can clearly see God in his creation, the things he has made. We can know his attributes.

How amazing, when I read of the firmament in scripture, I can have joy that my God holds up many waters so I can live and enjoy his creation.

The wise are foolish

Claiming to be wise, they became fools,” [Rom 1:22 ESV]

That’s right, I believe the bible calls our modern cosmologists and astronauts along with space doctrine and calculations … fools. They think they are wise, but the Lord says they are foolish.

“For his invisible attributes…” Romans 1:20 tells us it’s the Father’s nature. So let’s call it right and believe the word of the Father through his Spirit.

Don’t let the impression of God’s truth stop you and your children from engaging with God’s invisible attributes.

Comments (2)

  1. Avatar
    Julee November 30, 2023

    I love this. Thanks!!

    1. raqia-team
      raqia-team November 30, 2023

      Thank you for sharing your comment Julee. 🙂

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