Are Our Kids in the Firing Line?
13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people,
14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
15 And he laid his hands on them and went away.Matthew 19:13-15 (ESV)
I was thinking the other day about how people despise and mock the reality of these resources for children and parents. Those who believe what the bible says about the cosmology of heavens and earth.
I think, maybe I shouldn’t do this, use the skills I’ve been given to teach and showcase this truth this way. “Hey teach it to your children only and let the world alone in its misery”.
However, that is not what love is. It is sacrificial, it gives even when it’s a disadvantage to the giver.
At this point, I was walking through the supermarket, up the books aisle and saw the current books being promoted. The likes of dinosaurs, space adventure, witchcraft, magic, villainy, cross-dressing and homosexuality. This was on full display and aimed at our children.

Solar System Set, sold in local store
I thought… They are after my children’s minds, and eventually their souls.
So by the grace of God, I stand in his armour, on the rock of Jesus Christ his word, filled with His Spirit. Pushing back against the informational darkness that plagues our education and stores.
How can we only take care of ourselves and not others? So use these worksheets, subscribe to our mailing list and donate to our cause to restore the truth of God’s word in the minds of our little lambs.
We do our parts as Godly parents, setting out the markers that will help them grow into what God has for them. To be a light in the darkness.
The enemy wants our children! He can’t have them!
Let the little children come onto Jesus, invite them in. Make space for them and protect them from the lies of the wolves and serpents.
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