Secular Science tries to disprove God
As I have stated before, I am not a scientist. I am a Christian who homeschools his children and holds firm to God’s word literally unless it indicates otherwise through correct division.
I enjoy watching wildlife documentaries along with other biological illustrations about the earth and creation. Most things I don’t refute. In fact, I am intrigued and share those truths with my family.
Science is embraced until it rebels against God’s holy word.
That’s where the line is drawn. Period. I can’t lean any understanding except the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). I need to trust in the work and ways of the Lord, he is superior. In turn, we are seen as simplistic, ignorant and regressive to the advancement of the human race.
Science means “to know”. How can you know the truth about the creation when you remove the creator?
That’s what I see. A removal.
God created us so we can know his attributes and character (Romans 1:20). I want to know Him; do you?
On this journey of biblical cosmology for kids I will make errors in digital representations, or illustrations, I am just a man. However, I will always stay to scripture as that is the lamp to my position and the light to the direction (Psalm 119:105).
Friends ‘to know’, is to rely on God to show you through his word. The foundation for all our thinking about creation morals and life. I want my children and any others who believe in the inerrancy of His scripture to embrace these resources, which connect you to the true God of creation.
Science can help you see the attributes of God (Romans 1:20). But nothing like the scripture through the Holy Spirit and his regeneration of our souls. Take heart to push back against ridicule, and hold firm to the word of God.
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